Tag Archives: conservation



My classes through the University of Wisconsin ended on Sunday, and I’m happy to say I passed all my tests. I have earned a Statement of Accomplishment! Which I’m sure is one step up from a Gold Star… maybe even two steps. I was hoping for a Badger pelt, but I think one has to take a series of courses before you earn that. Maybe that trapping class…

The course was extremely well done, and I have to give credit to UW and the instructors for putting together such a well thought out and designed course.

A side element to the videos, lectures and reading material that did not have a direct bearing on my grade was the forum discussions that took place online. I simply didn’t have time to do much more than occasionally look into them, but they were lively discussions from what I saw.

Kudos to UW for formulating a course on hunting, wildlife management, conservation, and tying it into the larger picture of Leopold’s Land Ethic, as we are immersed in the challenges of this 21st century.