Tag Archives: special election

50 Odd Runners

Don Young being sworn in as a member of Congress; 1973

Congressman for All Alaska, Don Young, passed away in mid March. He was en route to Alaska from Washington D. C. Young was 88 years old, and had served Alaska as its sole representative, for 46 years.

The Alaska Constitution requires that we have a special election to fill the seat. The seat can not be filled by appointment. Last Friday was the deadline to file with the intent to run. Friday was full of chatter; people kept stopping by saying this person was running, and that person was running. We had Santa Claus running, as well as former Governor Sarah Palin.

Unfortunately, Friday was April 1st, which is also known as April Fool’s Day to pranksters. So, you can’t be surprised when my reaction all day was, “Yeah, yeah… That’s a good one.” Even when I went home, and saw some reports online, a little pang of doubt rose up, but overall, I dismissed the report that 51 individuals were going to try for Alaska’s lone seat in the House of Representatives.

Then the sun rose on April 2, and there were still 51 individuals running for that lone seat.

I guess after 46 years, there was a lot of pent up political lusting going on.

Like most Alaskans,Santa is registered as an Independent.

Update: As of Monday afternoon, three people have dropped out, and we are down to 48 candidates running for our House seat.